sábado, 12 de junio de 2010

Types of Societies




Special features

Hunting and gathering societies

The vast majority of these societies existed in the past, with only a few (perhaps a million people total) living today on the verge of extinction.

The members of hunting and gathering societies primarily survive by hunting animals, fishing, and gathering plants.

To survive, early human societies completely depended upon their immediate environment. When the animals left the area, the plants died, or the rivers dried up, the society had to relocate to an area where resources were plentiful.

Pastoral societies

Members of pastoral societies, first emerged 12,000 years ago.

Domesticating animals allows for a more manageable food supply than do hunting and gathering.

Pastoral societies are able to produce a surplus of goods, which makes storing food for future use a possibility.

Horticultural societies

These societies first appeared in different parts of the planet about the same time as pastoral societies

Unlike pastoral societies that rely on domesticating animals, horticultural societies rely on cultivating fruits, vegetables, and plants.

Horticultural societies occasionally produced a surplus, which permitted storage as well as the emergence of other professions not related to the survival of the society.

Agricultural societies

They appeared as long as 8,500 years ago that led to cultivating crops and raising farm animals.

Women previously had higher social status because they shared labor more equally with men.

A system of rulers with high social status also appeared. This nobility organized warriors to protect the society from invasion.

Feudal societies

From the 9th to 15th centuries, feudalism was a form of society based on ownership of land.

Unlike today's farmers,vassals under feudalism were bound to cultivating their lord's land.

In exchange for military protection, the lords exploited the peasants into providing food, crops, crafts, homage, and other services to the owner of the land.

Industrial societies

During the 18th century.

Industrial societies are based on using machines (particularly fuel-driven ones) to produce goods.

Cultural diversity increased, as did social mobility. Large cities emerged as places to find jobs in factories.

Postindustrial societies

In the actuality, when the world the world is witnessing a technological revolution.

The society is being shaped by the human mind, aided by computer technology.The storesstore, manipulate, and sell information.

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