sábado, 12 de junio de 2010

The World Today

The world today
1. What is the population of the world when you opened this web page?6 billion human beings
2. How many people were on the earth when you were born and what percentage has the population increased by since then?
3. What is the predicted population in 120 years time? The United Nations estimate that we will only be 12 billion in 120 years.
4. How many babies come to life everyday? 400000 babies come to life everyday

How many children in your lifetime?
5. How many babies is it possible for a woman to have in her lifetime? 24 babies
6. If a woman became sterile at 45, how many babies is it possible for her to have?15 children
7. What are the main reasons why women do not have this many children?
  • marriage, which delays the first birth,
  • breastfeeding, nature's way to delay the next birth,
  • birth control
8. Enter on the web page the best age for a woman to get married. How many does this reduce the fertility potential (the number of babies you can have) by? Globally women get married on average at age 21.
9. What is the average age of marriage in the regions listed below?
North America: 23 years old
Europe: 23 years old
Latin Ameria: 22 years old
Asia: 21 years old
Africa: 20 years old
Oceania: 23 years old
10. Enter on the web page the number of months you think a woman should breastfeed for. How much does the birth potential reduce by?
11. How many months, on average, do women from each of the regions below breastfeed?
North America: 4 months
Europe: 4 months
Latin America: 12 months
Asia: 22 months
Africa: 20 months
Oceania: 6 months

How many children in your lifetime?
12. Enter on the web page the number of children you want. If you do not use birth control, how many children could you have?7 children
13. For each of the birth control methods shown below, write down their efficiency rate.
Efficiency rate
Have no sex: 0%
Withdrawal: 4%
Condoms: 8%
Pill: 12 %
IUD: 23 %
Sterilization: 39 %
14. What is the most common form of birth control worldwide? Sterilization

Benavente plan

*The historical centre and the business district:
Santa Maria Square, La Rua, La Herreros, San Juan Church, La Mota.
*The main residencial areas: Benavente outsides.
*The industrial areas: Transportation centre.
*The main streets: La Rua and La Herreros.

What kind of City layout are there?, Only one?
It's historical, and some parts new.

Site features

Hill-foot: It's the picture number 3, because is sheltered, with flat land for building and farming.
It's the picture number 1, because is l
ower, more sheltered land between two hills.
It's the picture number 4, because is c
lose to water in a dry area
Dry-Point: It's the picture number 2, because is on higher, dry area close to wet land e.g. marshes or flooding rivers.
Route Centre: It's the picture number 5, because is focus of routes (e.g. roads) from surrounding area.

The Gipsies

Where did the gipsy people come from?They are from Rom.
How many gypsies are there in the world?
No one knows exactly how many Gypsies there are, either in general or in Spain in particular.
How many gipsies are there in Spain?
Estimates of the Spanish Gypsy population range as low as 500,000 and as high as 700,000.
What language do they speak in Spain? They speak Romany but they have to speak Spanish.
What do you think the gipsies are excluded from the society?Because they are from other culture and there are some prejudices of them.
Are social integrartion programmes necesary?I think yes why?Because they have the same right as other people of integrate in society.

Types of Societies




Special features

Hunting and gathering societies

The vast majority of these societies existed in the past, with only a few (perhaps a million people total) living today on the verge of extinction.

The members of hunting and gathering societies primarily survive by hunting animals, fishing, and gathering plants.

To survive, early human societies completely depended upon their immediate environment. When the animals left the area, the plants died, or the rivers dried up, the society had to relocate to an area where resources were plentiful.

Pastoral societies

Members of pastoral societies, first emerged 12,000 years ago.

Domesticating animals allows for a more manageable food supply than do hunting and gathering.

Pastoral societies are able to produce a surplus of goods, which makes storing food for future use a possibility.

Horticultural societies

These societies first appeared in different parts of the planet about the same time as pastoral societies

Unlike pastoral societies that rely on domesticating animals, horticultural societies rely on cultivating fruits, vegetables, and plants.

Horticultural societies occasionally produced a surplus, which permitted storage as well as the emergence of other professions not related to the survival of the society.

Agricultural societies

They appeared as long as 8,500 years ago that led to cultivating crops and raising farm animals.

Women previously had higher social status because they shared labor more equally with men.

A system of rulers with high social status also appeared. This nobility organized warriors to protect the society from invasion.

Feudal societies

From the 9th to 15th centuries, feudalism was a form of society based on ownership of land.

Unlike today's farmers,vassals under feudalism were bound to cultivating their lord's land.

In exchange for military protection, the lords exploited the peasants into providing food, crops, crafts, homage, and other services to the owner of the land.

Industrial societies

During the 18th century.

Industrial societies are based on using machines (particularly fuel-driven ones) to produce goods.

Cultural diversity increased, as did social mobility. Large cities emerged as places to find jobs in factories.

Postindustrial societies

In the actuality, when the world the world is witnessing a technological revolution.

The society is being shaped by the human mind, aided by computer technology.The storesstore, manipulate, and sell information.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Doctors without borders

• Would you be prepared to work in one of them?I think so. Why?Because I think being with children is very easy.
• What problems face most people in developing countries?I think that they haven't got all the resources that we have.
• Would their situation be better if the birth rate fell?I think so Why?Because if there is less people they don't have to spend much money.
• Why do many people in Africa die before they are 40 years old? Because there are a lot of epidemics and there isn't medical advances.
• Why is a child in an underdeveloped country more likely to die than a child in a developed one?Because there isn't medical advances.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

population rates

1. Why is it called a crude rate?
It's the same as a normal rate.

2. What aspect of population growth or decline is not measured by the natural increase calculation?

The population decline.
3. Calculate the Birth and Death Rates for Ireland in each of the four years
Birth Rate:

-1995: 13/1000
-1998: 14/1000
-2000: 14/1000
-2002: 15/1000

Death Rate:

-1995: 8/1000
-1998: 8/1000
-2000: 8/1000
-2002: 7/1000

4. Calculate the Natural Increase for Ireland in each of the four years.
Natural Increase:

-1995: 4/1000
-1998: 5/1000
-2000: 6/100
-2002: 7/1000

5. Write a short paragraph outlining the population changes experienced over the period from 1995 to 2002, based on this data.

The Birth rate increased and the death rate went down. The population increased.