sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Vocabulary Unit 7 and Unit 8

Unit 7

Unit 8

  1. Marco Polo: He was a navegator who made a lot of journeys to discovered the world
  2. Technical advances: They were the portulan charts, the navigational instruments and ships
  3. Portulan Charts: They were new maps that showed the coastline and any obstacles
  4. Compass: it was a new navigational instrument which marked the north
  5. astrolabe: It is a historical astronomical instrumentused by astronomers, navigators, and astrologers. Its many uses include locating and predicting the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars; determining local time
  6. Quadrant: A quadrant is an instrument that is used to measure angles up to 90°.
  7. Caravels: A 'caravel' is a small, highly maneuverable sailing ship developed in the 15th century by thePortuguese to explore along the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean.
  8. Prince Henry the Navigator: was an infante (prince) of the Kingdom of Portugal and an important figure in the early days of the Portuguese Empire, being responsible for the beginning of the European worldwide explorations.
  9. Bartolomeu Dias: He rounded the Cape of Good Hope
  10. Vasco de Gama: He reached India
  11. Christopher Columbus: He was a Genoese sailor
  12. Ferdinand Magallan: He captained the Magellan's expedition.
  13. Juan Sebastian Elcano: He was the second-in-command
  14. Overseas empires: great empires
  15. Treaty of Tordesillas: unexplored regions were divided by this.
  16. Indigenous population of America
  1. The plague: the most terrible event en the 14th century
  2. The Black Death: the same of the plague
  3. Bourgueoisie: became influential
  4. bureaucracy: a professional and centralised administration
  5. army: troops paid by the monarch
  6. diplomatic: system to maintain relations with other countries
  7. autoritarian monarchies: they were born
  8. Ivan the Great: unified Russia
  9. Henry VIII: increased the royal power in the early sixteenth century
  10. Charles VII: unified France
  11. Francis I: unified France
  12. Catholic Monarchs: unified Spain
  13. Holy brotherhood: a judicial force
  14. Royal Council: the highest judicial body
  15. Corregidores: to establish royal authority in the towns
  16. Treasury: it was stregthned by the Monarchs
  17. Tribunal of the Inquisition: to prosecute heretics
  18. conversos: Jews who converted into Christianism
  19. Mudejares: Spanish Muslims
  20. Moriscos: Muslims who converted to Christianity.

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